About Us

Our Story

Welcome to Ataviz Consulting, where our mission is to bring the power of transformative power of data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation solutions for businesses of all sizes. Founded in March 2020, Ataviz Consulting embarked on a journey to make Cutting-Edge Data Solutions accessible to every business, regardless of its scale. In a landscape often monopolized by tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook, we advocate for universal access to the benefits of data solutions and insights. Our commitment is grounded in the belief that every business deserves to harness the transformative potential of Cutting-Edge Data Solutions.

Our Founder

Ataviz Consulting's foundation is built upon the extensive expertise and visionary leadership of Nicholas Johnson, our founder and Lead Data Consultant. Nicholas has over 15 years of comprehensive experience spanning data analytics, automation, AI development, data strategy, and leadership. His track record exemplifies a dedication to driving business success through data-driven insights and strategic decision-making.

Nicholas's journey reflects his unwavering commitment to unlocking the true potential of data at every level of operation. From spearheading complex data analytics projects to architecting innovative automation solutions, he consistently delivers transformative solutions across diverse industries. Ataviz Consulting's mission is rooted in Nicholas's passion for empowering businesses to harness the full power of their data. Whether through advanced analytics, AI implementation, or strategic leadership, we are committed to delivering tangible value that propels our clients towards sustained success in an increasingly data-driven world.

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Our Approach

We are dedicated to unlocking the power of data-driven decision-making for businesses. Our approach is meticulously crafted to address the individual needs and objectives of each client. With expertise in data analysis, artificial intellience, business intelligence, and automation, we specialize in tailoring solutions that drive tangible results. Through close collaboration, we work hand in hand with our clients to understand their unique challenges and opportunities.

Our methodology can be visualized with three key circles: Data Analysis, Data Strategy, and Artificial Intelligence. Each intersection represents a crucial aspect of our approach, including Data Visualization, Predictive Analytics, and Automation.

At the heart of it all lies the intersection of all three circles: Cutting-Edge Data Solutions. This represents our core mission of delivering optimal strategies tailored to each client's unique requirements. Beyond merely providing solutions, we empower our clients by illuminating the untapped potential within their data, driving growth and success.

Our Values

At Ataviz Consulting, transparency and accountability are the foundational pillars of our mission. We prioritize open communication and honesty, ensuring our clients are fully informed at every stage of our collaboration. Transparency means candidly sharing our processes, methodologies, and insights, fostering clear understanding and collaboration. We believe in providing our clients with comprehensive insights into how we work and the decisions we make, building trust and confidence in our partnership.

Equally vital to us is accountability. We hold ourselves responsible for the outcomes of our work, committed to meeting and exceeding our clients' expectations. Taking ownership of our actions and decisions, we consistently deliver high-quality results, upholding the integrity of our work. Through these values, we aim to forge enduring relationships grounded in trust, integrity, and mutual respect.